Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gadgets and gizmos for the better of online Journalism

The technology advancement of now is fast. Almost every month, gadgets develop in many ways people didn't expect them too. From cameras  to mobile internet, technology of now has evolved into something a person can use to spread information to everyone. This so said, this can be taken advantage by the Journalist of today.

Smart phones are the paveway to technological development. The concept of putting everything from your camera, to your pager, to your computer into one small device is a big breakthrough for mankind. You literally have it all in the palm of your hand.

For a journalist to have such device into his dispense will help him cover a wider range of stories and get them published in a shorter span of time. He has all the tools he needs in one device (like a camera for pictures, a phone for communicating, a notepad for notes, etc...) This will help him deliver the freshest news everyday and real time information ON THE SPOT. It really is a huge advancement from newspaper, radio and TV where you have to wait for a specific time of day to get your story published. Now you can give bits of information on the go and as the event happens.

With this said, Journalist have a lot under their belt for better delivery of news. Add technology with their knowledge and training and you got yourself a pool of credible information ready to serve to the people in an immediate time frame.

Online classes and being out as an online journalist.

First of all it is hard having online classes when you have no steady internet connection. I myself waited for hours just to get that savory connection that will help me pass class. I wanted to throw my laptop and broadband stick to the nearest window I don't even know. Though I did try to follow through with what my own classmates were posting on facebook. I also kept in track with my twitter to see if my professor was giving any instructions.

The hardest part of it all, the live reporting.

As I walked down on Session Road wearing a coat and chest binder (I just came from a photoshoot) and with a roll of tissue (and yes I have colds and a fever that day) I kept my eyes for news. No fatigue nor fever could stop me. Well something did.... my lack of an android phone. Our prof did say that we needed partners but I found it hard to communicate with my classmates. I honestly have my own problems with that and I know I need to change it. Though I did try to find a way by asking  my friend to stay on my laptop and tweet for me while I text messaged her. Though I am pretty disappointed I couldn't take pictures.

Over all I honestly screwed up as an online Journalist and as a student that day. Though I have to learn from these mistakes and grow from them. That is what a true Journalist does. I still have a lot to learn.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Online Journalism.... How Journalists can be ORIGNAL at this time of social media?

Journalism and the online community, two things no one knew could co-exist with each other. Well... it is inevitable for them to co-exist. The internet is this hotpot of information, the ingredients are mixed up and are different but they all make up the same pot. Information in the internet is varied from those that entertain, those you look up when you are bored, those that add up to your line of knowledge, etc... Because of this the internet is now a form of competition for Journalists. But the Journalist is someone that does not give up, he must ADAPT, he must show people his STANDARDS and TASTE, he must be ORIGINAL.

The Journalist of now must adapt to the online world and must compete with online blogs all around that do the same thing as them, provide the latest information. But a Journalist always has his greatest weapons, experience and proper training. A Journalist in the online world must adapt well to the online medium to be able to use it's advantages to create stories that people online can trust.

A Journalist must properly source his story, something not most online bloggers do. He must know that copying and pasting is not something to do write. He must use his writing abilities to make his online reports more readable for everyone but still contain the proper language in use. He can utilize hyperlinks to make his report more easier to explore and informative. This will let his readers have a wider knowledge of his report. Attaching pictures and videos that were taken by his fellow on-the-field Journalist can help supplement his report PERFECTLY and the credibility stays knowing the photo was taken on the spot.

They can utilize how they use twitter too. Journalists can use their live tweets to make a full blown proper report and link the full details on their twitter accounts. The readers can have the full detail of the story but still feel they are in the know when they follow the Journalist's tweets.

A Journalist must apply the training they had along with their experiences and feel comfortable of the reports they write. They do it right and write for the purpose of informing the greater public of what is going on.