Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gadgets and gizmos for the better of online Journalism

The technology advancement of now is fast. Almost every month, gadgets develop in many ways people didn't expect them too. From cameras  to mobile internet, technology of now has evolved into something a person can use to spread information to everyone. This so said, this can be taken advantage by the Journalist of today.

Smart phones are the paveway to technological development. The concept of putting everything from your camera, to your pager, to your computer into one small device is a big breakthrough for mankind. You literally have it all in the palm of your hand.

For a journalist to have such device into his dispense will help him cover a wider range of stories and get them published in a shorter span of time. He has all the tools he needs in one device (like a camera for pictures, a phone for communicating, a notepad for notes, etc...) This will help him deliver the freshest news everyday and real time information ON THE SPOT. It really is a huge advancement from newspaper, radio and TV where you have to wait for a specific time of day to get your story published. Now you can give bits of information on the go and as the event happens.

With this said, Journalist have a lot under their belt for better delivery of news. Add technology with their knowledge and training and you got yourself a pool of credible information ready to serve to the people in an immediate time frame.

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